Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where in the World? (Pamly)

See if you can guess where these photo's have been taken? The first person to name all of them will win a Chocolate bar! Blog me what your guesses are.....


Helen Fotheringham said...

Hi harry
I am at school waiting to see if any parents want to visit me. So far so good no one has come except our rooms cleaner, which is great as she keeps the room sparkling.
Looking forward to doing some food tech I'm sure you will come up with some great ideas. You could always google some while you are away.
Looked at the pictures but too hard for me but I'll be keeping an eye out when I'm around town. May be we can put some products of your Food Tech on the Blog!
Well thanks for teaching me how to do a Blog.
Ms Fotheringham (Helen) See Ya

Ruby bennett said...

romo restraunt by cafe express
the famers mutual building
squar edge
nandos mexican restraunt
duck pound in the squar
police station
peadal pushes
ownley park
esplanade train station

Unknown said...

Hey Harry
Room 12 really enjoyed your challenge, they were jumping out of their seats yelling the answers!This is what we came up with -
1. Roma restaurant
2. FMG building
3. Square Edge
4. City council
5. Nandos
6. Square duck pond
7. Police station
8. McDonalds
9. Pedal pushers
10. Ongley Park
11. Lido
12. Esplanade Train

Anonymous said...

romo restraunt by cafe express
the famers mutual building
squar edge
nandos mexican restraunt
duck pound in the squar
police station
peadal pushes
ownley park
esplanade train station


Anonymous said...

hi harry won hockey season today hope u felin better


Anonymous said...

hi harry won hockey season today hope u felin better
